KG Web Solutions


Affordable Solutions

Providing an affordable web presence for small business owners is what we're all about. You could make your own site online using various website tools but running your business is your priority and you haven't got the time. That's where we come in. Pre-made templates can be customized with your images and business information at a cost that fits your small business budget. You can customize as much as you need. We also do logos, site redesign and maintenance.

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1 Page Basic

Up to $600

Basic website
Choose from templates
Standard sections (About, Services)

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1 Page Full

Up to $1200*

One page full website
Choose from templates or custom
Standard sections +

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1-5 Page Standard

Up to $4000*

Up to 5 page website
Choose from templates or customize
Customized content

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Maintenance Options

Monthly / Yearly
$350* / Extra Pages

Coverage for minor changes or updates
(ie new menu items)
Specialty Custom Quoted
$55 Hourly Rate

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Extras to think About

Pop Ups
Social Media
Email Capture
Service / Product Sales
 3rd Party Apps Integration
Setup Site Hosting & Domain

*Prices are approximate, websites are individually customized to the needs of each business especially in the case of e-commerce sites. Your budget will be used to create your perfect site.